363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

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Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

History of the birth of Switzerland Guard
Papal Switzerland Guard been born in 1506 in the rinascimentale Rome, endured only two interruptions: after the "Bag of Rome", from 1527 to 1548, and under Napoleone, from 1798 to 1814. This small Swiss colony in the metropoli of Rome is today the troop of defense and guard of honor of "loads universal" religious and to contempo also the symbol of international reputation of Switzerland. The rinascimentale prince and Pope Giulio II of the Rovere, elect in 1503, pursued in those years torment the political objective to you to strengthen the State of the Church and to reconquer rebellious territories. Pervaso from a sense of creative optimism, he supported poets and architects, scultori and painters (Coveting, Michelangelo, Raffaello).