363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

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Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

The Basilica of S. Peter
The original basilica had been repeatedly embellished in the course of the centuries, also with works of Giotto, end when, to half of XV the century, Nicolò V decided to start of a substantial restructure after a furious fire that (or) accidentally did not destroy good part of the construction. With the dead women of these last jobs they were interrupted and they come resumed from Giulio II that of it entrusted the direction to Coveting, which it demolished completely the old basilica, planning of one new to plant centers them. To with of the necessary works for its building and artistic realization, an agency, the Reverend "Fabrica Sancti Petri" was preplace, of which recently the Vatican has opened arches you the students: between precious documents it catalogues to you are migliaia of notes, plans, contracts, receipts, correspondences (as an example between Michelangelo and the Curia), that they constitute one documentation of all on the generis on the practical quotidianità of the been involved artists. The agency is still operating for the management of the complex. The Basilica has a length of 186 meters, the top of the cupola is high 119 and the surface total exceeds the 15,000 square meters. The basilica accommodates that one that is probably the tomba of Saint Peter, mail under the main altar, that it is covered from a canopy supported from four immense pillars, all designs to you from the Bernini. Also other Papi is buried in the basilica.

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