363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

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Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

Coves Vaticans
It is made to bury in the Coves Vaticans, neighbor to the tomba of Peter, has been desire of many papi, king and Queens; therefore as it it was for the first Christians and also for the pagani. Between the most ancient personalities buried in the Coves we remember venticinquenne German Pope Gregorio V (996-999 hardly), the emperor Brass II (dead man to Rome in the 983) and Adrian IV (1154-1159), only English Pope of the history; Pope Bonifacio VIII (1294-1303), than proclamò the first Saint Year of the Giubileo and that he rests under the splendid sculpture of Arnolfo di Cambio; Pope Pio YOU Braschi (dead man captive of the French in 1779) is enclosed in a sarcofago paleocristiano, but he lives again in the marble in which Antonio Canova the immortalò in prayer. Between the king, still Giacomo III Stuart and i its sons, like pure Queen Cristina of Sweden (1626-1689), contiguous to the niche of Giovanni Paul II and to little steps from that one cripta of the Confession the Polish Pope have been many times to pray, like Pope Braschi of the Canova. If eccettuano last the Papi buried in the Coves Vaticans (Benedict XV, Devout XI and Devout XII, Paul YOU, Giovanni Paul I and II), much Pontefici of the past instead preferred to be buried elsewhere: Devout IX, as an example, rest in the basilica of Saint Lorenzo outside Mura, Lion XIII in Saint Giovanni in Laterano. Devout XI, died in 1939, burning wished therefore to be buried "how much more close were possible to the Confession of Peter" who its successor, Devout XII, ordered one immense archaeological campaign around to the tomba of Peter in order establishing the authenticity of that place.
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