363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

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Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

Coves Vaticans
The diggings for the search of the tomba of the Apostle were carried out hidden for ten years, also during the second world war. Nobody had never dug in that place, is for fear of profanarlo, is because for the tradition the only sure interment of Saint Peter was that one. With meaningful continuity there were, in fact, it builds up to you over three altars: that one of Gregorio Magno (590-604), that one of Callisto II (1123) and puts into effect it them that laughed them to Clement VIII (1594). These diggings of campaign 1939-1949 have made to come to the light entire necropoli, a species of Pompei small risen on the hill Vatican, in the place in which Peter it endured the martyrdom "with to a great number of elect" and were buried: the circus of Nerone, marked to the center of obelisco the Egyptian who then was moved to the Saint center of Public square Peter, to indicate the copernicana revolution capacity from the Christianity. Around to the poor interment of Peter - happened in the knot earth - they were in fact fate the ancient ones tombe pays some, true and own domus in masonry with the cinerarie urns, tombe, sarcofagi and beautifulst painted parietal: a true and own city of the dead men where the daily life calmly prolongedded; and where on the terraces, summery, quite banquets were organized, the so-called refrigerium. These necropoli, visitabile to small groups guides to you, carried the archeologi to the tomba of Peter: that apparently insignificant tumulo of earth towards which the tombe were oriented, also pays some, and that a respect wall put in evidence. The famous "red wall" in front of which already in II the century the newspaper stand of the "trophy of Gaio" was erected that, with its colonnine, marked the income to "tomba glorious" of the Apostle Peter: here Costantino erected in YOU century a newspaper stand that corresponds to puts into effect them Confession.
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