363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

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Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

Coves Vaticans
To the times of Costantino they always were scoperchia you roofs of the necropoli pagana, therefore to bury it and to render it one solid base for the foundations of the basilica constructed on boneses of Peter: it was known that behind those it walls was its tomba, the place was sure for tradition but nobody would have dared to open it, profanarlo, traslarne the boneses. On the wall constructed to the times of Costantino, the epigrafista Guarducci Daisy found hundred of graffiti with invocazioni to Christ and Peter. It penetrates to you finally in tomba, the archeologi, guides from monsignor Kaas, found a ossario small to you with the written one in Greek, interpreted as "Peter is here", that he gave it certainty to they that "that one" was the place. Devout XII of it gave the announcement to the radio in occasion of the Saint Year of 1950: "it has been found the tomba of the Prince of the Apostles". But the ossario was found empty. Only in 1953 the fortunoso ritrovamento of some boneses of a man of 60-70 years, wrapped in a precious woven cloth of porpora in with threads of gold and reliability coming from from the loculo (but moved to the times of Costantino in the newspaper stand, as they reveal fragments of red wall), gave to Paul YOU the conviction that had to be be a matter in all probability of the rests of the body of Saint Peter: lì it made to enclose in one scato it of plexiglas with to a cartiglio closed in which one asserts that these rests "are believed" are of the Apostle Peter. If to the center of the cupola of Michelangelo a thread to lead hung, it would go to falling exactly on that modest scato one it of plexiglas, confirming one tradition of two thousand years of art and faith. The meant one of the Confession of Peter will be understood then better, that niche from which the risplende to mosaic icona bizantina of Christ, visible also from the balustrade of Saint Peter, that it burns with its novantanove votive lamps; under the icona, the precious cassette does not contain boneses of Peter (than the stoles with crosses are found more low) but pallii () that the Pope confers the neo-elect metropoliti bishops in order to mark their tie with Peter.
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