363 [Preghiere-Poesie]
del Poeta Luigi Ederle

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Preghiere del Cristiano

Monasteri in Italia
Santuari, Monasteri, Abbazie.

Aiutiamo i bambini in Africa

Ricordiamo i nostri defunti

Saint apostle Peter
Understood it the 21 of the second Gospel Giovanni indicates that Peter came martirizzato for crocifissione, and Clement of Rome, ca. 95, places its dead women to the age of Nerone. The following tradition supports that the Roman the crocifissero ones to head in down (on its demand; it did not want to compare itself to Jesus). On the road towards its execution, he says himself, it met Jesus and churches: He tames Some, Quo Vadis? ("Getlteman, where you are going"). Other versions of the history support that this happened while Peter was escaping from Rome in order to avoid the execution; the encounter made it to return behind.

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