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Apostle Saint Peter
The New Testament traditionally comprises two letters attributed to Peter: the First letter of Peter and the Second letter of Peter. Being based on the quality of the Greek, many students they doubt that the apostle Peter has truly written these letters, but the opinions are uniforms on the fact that came stilate from its secretary (amanuense) or from a follower after its dead women. In the following tradition, Peter is considered the first bishop of Antiochia and later on bishop of Rome. The catholic Church makes to derive the papal supremacy from the affirmation of Jesus, contained in understood it the 16 of the Gospel di Matteo, than Peter it would have been the stone on which it would have constructed its church. The promise would have been confirmed also from the words that Jesus pronounced after the resurrezione: "Pasci my little sheeps". It visited Gerusalemme, Corinto, Bariums, until arriving to Rome, where it seems that it preached between the less well-to-do classes. Succeeded Pope Lino (67-76).